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Writer's pictureKhushboo Chaudhary

How To Deal With Rejection?

Updated: Feb 9, 2022

No one is Omni accepted in this world. Someone is always there to offer you the rejection, no matter how talented, successful or rich you are. This is because it’s not in your control whether others accept or reject you. The only thing you can control is give your best, but ultimately, the decision of acceptance and rejection lies outside of your power. There lies the lessons in rejections too if you truly know yourself. As the author of the book “13 THINGS MENTALLY STRONG PEOPLE DON'T DO”, Amy Morin writes in 5 Ways Mentally Strong People Deal With Rejection. So, it’s a good idea to learn how to deal with rejection.

Feeling rejected by others and believing you aren’t wanted — whether it’s for a job, dating, or friendship — isn’t a pleasant experience. But learning to handling rejection is good way to overcome the feeling.  Here are the best possible ways to handle rejection

Why do rejection happens?

Society itself is not an individual being, it is an ideology of politically correct standards accumulated by powers that control your spectrums. It sometimes will be uncaring of you as a human being and rejecting you only if you are not a consumer or part of the societal criteria that authorize it.

People will be rejecting or accepting you in several ways.

And a community will only reject you if you are going against the policies or principles that are abided, are reluctant to take part in, or uncaring of the passion, moralities, purposes, or hobbies that is established or has created these communities.

Usually, women are most anxious of being rejected by these things, because they demand their emotional-fluidity of acknowledgment. The biological ethos rooted in them to be accepted by the society.

Boys are shaped into men by denial or acceptance of people.

Societies and nations are built by men who reject their callous societies for better or worse.

If you’re someone like, ‘I can’t handle rejection', then this article is for you. After reading this, you will know that you don’t have a need to know how to handle rejection.

How to deal with rejection?

Rejection hurts. There is no way around it. Feeling rejected by others and believing you aren’t wanted — whether it’s for a job, dating, or friendship — isn’t a pleasant experience. But learning to handling rejection is good way to overcome the feeling.

Here are the best possible ways to handle rejection

Expect to be rejected

“When you are going to any of the people in power, represent to yourself that you will not find him at home; that you will not be admitted; that the doors will not be opened to you; that he will take no notice of you. If, with all this, it is your duty to go, bear what happens, and never say [to yourself], ‘It was not worth so much.’” – Epictetus

The pain of rejection is deep but it won’t hurt you, if you expect rejection before it occurs. Imagine the door to shut down. Imagine the refusal of a proposal from your funding agency, from a girl or boy.

When you already know that you going to be rejected, how can somebody make you hurt through rejection? Expecting rejection doesn’t mean you need not to try. Always try your best, but expect the worst. And keep hustling and failing forward.

Accept the rejection

While dealing with rejection, the first thing is to accept that you are being rejected. Without accepting there is no way for you to move ahead. For every feeling as I said to deal with the very first thing to acknowledge the feeling. So accept the fact and the feeling you are experiencing after being rejected. Don’t try to brush off the hurt or pretend it’s not painful. Instead of thinking “I shouldn’t feel this way,” think about how normal it is to feel like you do, given your situation.

Don’t say, I can’t handle rejection’

You are the controller of your mind, your choices, your actions. And so denying the fact that you are responsible for overcoming rejection will bring more pain to you. Not only does it keep hurting, it becomes harder to get past the rejection. You are the only one who can heal yourself.

Be mindful while dealing with rejection

Be mindful of the way you talk to yourself. Remind yourself of all of the positive things and people in your life or what you have to be grateful for. Self-blaming or put-down thinking can exaggerate our faults and lead us to believe stuff about ourselves that simply isn’t true. This kind of thinking crowds out hope and a belief in ourselves — the very things we need to get past feeling bad and want to try again.

Remind yourself you’re not alone

Everyone faces rejection once in their lifetime, so, the next time you’re turned down for a date or don’t get that job you applied to, remind yourself that rejection happens to everyone.

“The most important thing is to not sit in the rejection, but to say, is there anything I can learn from this experience? And then what can I do moving forward? Where can I go?” - Gottlieb

Keep in mind all the above mentioned things and instead of allowing yourself to be devastated and beat down after being rejected, ask yourself what you can do going forward.

In dealing with rejection, my favourite tool is to expect to be rejected as it hurts less. Let me know which is yours in the lists of how to deal with Rejection?

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