“As you sow, so shall you reap.”
Though, people know that everything happens good or bad, happens for a reason, still, the vast majority don’t realize the true importance of this spiritual concept that has been around for thousands of years. And here’s what his article is about. 9 things you probably didn’t know about karma, and how it really works.
1. Karma never implies judgment, punishment, or reward
Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘action’ in English, sometimes referred to as the law of actions and their effect. You need to know that karma doesn’t mean punishment or reward, it’s simply a neutral law that gives you the outcomes of your own actions without any judgment.
It’s just like Newton’s third law that is for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
2. There is no instant karma
Everything in the world does not happen so quickly, it takes time. So is Karma. There is no such thing as instant karma. Most of the events in this life have their origin in the actions we did in past lives.
“If the things you wish for do not come, it is due to karma created long ago; therefore, keep a happy and relaxed mind.” – Kadampa Master Atisa
3. The purpose of Understanding and believing in karma is to prevent future suffering
When we realize that all the bad things happen to us because of our bad deeds only, we try to avoid the actions that can lead us to suffer badly. This is also helpful in generating a positive mind and actions that create happiness. Believing in karma also eradicates the fire of anger as now we understand that it’s our negative actions that lead to suffering and not others.
4. Karma can be changed
Karma is not fate or destiny that can not be changed. We can definitely change our karma by skillful actions such as patience. There are many practices we can do like meditation that has been designed to help us purify the negative karma.
5. Negative action causes suffering and positive action leads to happiness
If you believe this, then you already believe in karma.
6. An action is never wasted
Even though a long time may pass between the time the action is created and the time of its result, no action is ever wasted. Sometimes it may take many lifetimes for the karmic result of an action to ripen.
7. When it comes to the results of actions, our intentions are of most Importance
Two people may help someone else but their intentions may be completely different. A person helping for selfish reasons will not be able to experience a positive result as a person helping with a pure heart.
8. It’s okay if we understand karma but can’t overcome our bad habits right away
Some bad habits that create negative karma are deeply ingrained patterns of mind and will take some time to get removed. You shouldn’t get angry with yourself if these habits arise frequently, instead, practice purification with a relaxed mind.
9. The gateway to the Enlightenment itself is the wisdom of realizing karma
Even the supreme peace of enlightenment is a karmic result of a long chain of actions and effects. If we understand which action leads to the karmic result of enlightenment, we can start creating those causes and joyfully travel towards our Buddha nature.
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