The one truth in this world is that you can’t go on with everyone who you meet along your life journey. This is obvious that you can not be liked by everyone unless you are a people-pleaser. There must be someone, somewhere may have a deep hate for you. I’m not talking about enemies here, but people around you. There must be few people who dislike you and no matter what good you do to them they hate you. The reason can be any. May be a difference of opinions or personality clash, they always rub you the wrong way. Therefore, ignoring such people becomes necessary. And when you find yourself truly, it is easy for you to not to care if someone hates you or not. Read the 6 ways to find yourself. First, let’s know who’s a hater.
Who hate you?
If someone hates you, know that the person either fundamentally do not believe in your values or, more likely, are jealous of your accomplishments. When someone doesn’t like you for no reason, they use negative and critical comments and behavior to bring you down by making you look or feel bad. Understanding is knowing them as a hater of yours.
Someone said it beautifully, “A person hates you for one of three reasons: 1) They want to be you 2) They hate themselves 3) They see you as a threat.”
How it affects you when people hate you?
Being the focus of negative and critical comments from someone can be upsetting and trigger the feelings of anger, hurt, and confusion, and cause you to question your self-worth and behavior. Read how to deal with someone’s humiliating behavior.
Disregard those who hate you
Usually people stoop to the level of their haters in order to make them feel the same. But that’s the wrong way to deal with if someone hates you. Find yourself. You are not them. You are you. Solution to how to deal with haters lies in your choices. The choice is to disregard those who hate you. Refuse to acknowledge when someone say they hate you. Pay no heed when someone doesn’t like you for no reason. Remember who you are. Before you read on I would like to announce that we have new release of all kinds of ‘discovering yourself books' to heal your trauma and free your heart.
Next time you hear when someone say they hate you, consider them a dog and imagine yourself as an elephant. Now think, if an elephant pay any attention to the dogs barking at him?
If someone hates you for no reason– Buddha Hack on YouTube
Next time someone show hate towards you, just assume them the sound of sheep. Would the sound of sheep bother you if you were a goose?
Therefore, a good way to deal with haters is to nothing them.
”Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.”- Will Smith
Why ignoring is the only solution when people hate you?
If someone hates you, ignoring is the key to deal with such people because people lashes out is a sign of pain. They have their own life struggle. They don’t feel good about themselves. Hence, a negative comment from those may have nothing to do with you. It’s only a reflection of them. When someone say they hate you, know that their hate has nothing to do with you. Their perspective is clouded by their own unhappiness, and they feel the need to bring down others. When someone doesn’t like you for no reason, it shows their insecurities and vulnerability leads them to do so and hence they try to bring you down so they can feel better about themselves. Therefore, instead of responding to their hate with hate and aggression, have pity for them.
As Socrates had put it, “From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate.”
Your existence embodies another perspective. Maybe you spoke out against their ideals. Maybe you are right. When people hate you, it means that you’re a force to be reckoned with. It means that you threaten their ideals and beliefs. It means that there’s a chance you are right and they are wrong. There’s such a good chance that the other person decides to bring you down, because calling you a terrible person and spreading rumours about you is easier than admitting what they really are. It’s easier than admitting that you are right and they themselves may be terrible people. Instead of gaining more security and confidence in themselves, they find satisfaction in attacking you and ruining your life.
It’s pathetic and cowardly.
If someone hates you for no reason– Buddha Hack on YouTube
Final thoughts
People can drive you crazy if you let them and don’t find yourself or are not aware of who you are. Additionally, while ignoring when someone doesn’t like you for no reason, it’s important to not to forget to acknowledge your feelings and emotions. Because you are the only one who have control over how you react to any situation. Recognise the feelings if someone rubs you the wrong way, don’t let the anger, hurt or sadness spin out of control.
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